Next Term Begins:

Study the word of God
with no compromise
Carmel Bible College is a place where the authentic experience of the presence of God empowers the dynamic study of the Word of God.
It is a community of people who are hungry for more of God and desire to be transformed by His Word through the work of the Holy Spirit.
News and Events

A legacy spanning over 25 years
Carmel Bible College has a rich 25 year legacy of establishing a firm foundation of faith in its students lives. Founded in 1997, the college has celebrated over 850 graduations, representing countless lives impacted to the glory of God.
Through the instruction and practical application of biblical principles, the lives of pastors, business men and women, youth leaders, to children's church workers and missionaries across the globe have been transformed and equipped, in preparation to step boldly into the next chapter of God’s purpose and plan for their lives.
Here are some of our alumni talking about their time at CBC.

Foundational Courses for EVERY season
Authority of the Bible
Believer’s Authority
Redemptive Realities
Biblical Finance
Divine Healing
Renewing the Mind
Bible Doctrines
Fruit of the Spirit