Next Term Begins:
Diploma in Ministerial Development
20th Century Church Movements
This course is designed to equip the student with a knowledge of the 20th Century church movements, the key figures involved and how we can learn from their successes and failures. The student will also be helped to cultivate an appreciation of their spiritual heritage as well as develop an awareness of the issues that face the church today.
Bible Hermeneutics
Biblical hermeneutics is the study of the principles and methods involved in interpreting the text of the Bible. 2 Timothy 2:15 commands believers to be involved in hermeneutics - Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth. The purpose of studying this subject is to help students know how to properly interpret, understand and apply the Bible.
Church History 1 & 2
The study of church history reminds us of Christ's words: "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." This course is intended to give a brief overview of the different periods of church history from the time of the apostles up until the start of the 20th Century. It will inspire the student as they look at the key movements and turning points as well as the characters involved, many of whom made tremendous sacrifices to give us the gospel and religious freedom we have today. Attention will also be given to tracing the supernatural manifestations and impact of the Holy Spirit throughout church history.
Church History 1 - the beginnings of the Early Church on the Day of Pentecost and finishing with the major Councils of the church in the 4th & 5th century.
Church History 2 - the renaissance leading to the Reformation and Counter Reformation and beyond to the end of the 19th Century
The method of study is by lecture and supplementary video content.
The word 'ecclesiology' comes from two Greek words meaning 'assembly' and 'word' - combining to mean 'the study of the church'. The church is the assembly of believers who belong to God, and the study of ecclesiology is crucial to understanding God's purpose for believers in the world today. This course will help the student gain an understanding of the role, ordinances and purpose of the church and its members.
Gifts of the Spirit
This course provides a study of the nine gifts of the Spirit, as named in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. These are: the ‘Word of Wisdom’, the ‘Word of Knowledge’, the ‘Gift of Faith, the ‘Gifts of Healings’, the ‘Working of Miracles’, the ‘Gift of Prophecy’, the ‘Discerning of Spirits’, ‘Different Kinds of Tongues’ and the ‘Interpretation of Tongues’. The following questions will be addressed: What are the gifts of the Spirit used for? How can you know that you have particular gifts of the Spirit? What does the believer do with these gifts in the church? Are some gifts more important than others? Are the gifts of healing still being accessed today by believers? Is the gift of miracles still existent in the church today?
The main purpose of the book of Hebrews is to show the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ as the High Priest and, in the context of its original Jewish readers, to establish Christianity as being superior to the Old Testament law. This course looks at the origin, authorship, readership and structure of the epistle, including the main themes, the five warnings and the process of the believer’s walk to spiritual maturity.
Homiletics 1 & 2
The course is designed to equip students to be effective, anointed and dynamic communicators of God’s Good News. Part 1 includes: ‘An Introduction to Creative Communication’, ‘Seven Facts about the Preaching and Teaching Ministry of Jesus’, ‘The Essential Qualifications of a Preacher’, ‘A Study of the Different Types of Sermons' and 'The Structure of a Sermon'. Part 2 includes class workshops in preparing a suitable sermon outline, culminating in the delivery of a 15-minute sermon to fellow students.
Christianity & the Contemporary Cults
This course will provide students with an in depth understanding of those cults most commonly encountered in daily life, whose basic teachings are often believed to be the same as mainline Christianity by the ‘unchurched’. As well as a comprehensive understanding of the origin of each cult, their beliefs and doctrines, students will be helped to understand the best way to engage with and witness to members of the individual cults.
Keys to Kingdom Character
This course looks at the opening verses of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ commonly known as the ‘Beatitudes’. An in-depth study in both the meaning and application of each beatitude will be made, encouraging the student to embrace the conditions and attitudes of the heart that Jesus teaches as blessed in order to walk in greater maturity and blessing.
Life of Honour
Romans 13:7 states: Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. According to the Word, as believers, we are to live a life of honour toward God and others. This course is designed to thoroughly explore the subject of biblical honour while giving attention to and exploring the characteristics and benefits of one who is living a life of honour.
At the time of the Apostle Paul, the church in Rome was the capital of the gentile world. Paul, knowing the strategic value of strengthening the body of believers there, wrote his letter to the Romans with the purpose of laying a strong doctrinal foundation. This letter stands as the clearest and most systematic presentation of Christian doctrine in the Bible, revealing answers to important questions and supplying information on many topics, such as salvation, the sovereignty of God, judgment, spiritual growth and the righteousness of God.
Never before in history has there been so much interest and fascination in supernatural phenomena, including angels and demons. The Bible (NASB version) mentions the word ‘angel’ 283 times. However, much of the information available in the mainstream does not line up with what the Bible teaches. Believers have a responsibility to develop a biblical understanding of the doctrine of angels and demons and this course will seek to answer key questions about their nature and activity as well as the implications for Christian beliefs and behaviour. Students will learn how believers are to engage scripturally with the reality of angels and demons in the light of spiritual warfare and to be confident in Christ’s victory on the cross.
Supportive Ministry - In Search of Timothy (video)
1 & 2 Timothy and Titus are considered the ‘Pastoral Epistles’ as they are written to the individual leaders of churches. These epistles deal with handling issues in the church, such as leadership qualifications, doctrine, behaviour and false teachers. However, these epistles also detail the qualities every leader longs to find within his staff and other key leaders. Studying the example of Timothy can serve as a pattern for every believer to follow and emulate as supportive ministers and team players who are serving leaders today. Instruction will be by lecture with supplementary video content.
Spiritual Leadership
Spiritual leadership is not identical to leadership in general. While spiritual leadership involves many of the same principles as general leadership, spiritual leadership has certain distinctive qualities that must be understood and practised if spiritual leaders are to be successful. In this course, students are taught how to develop effective leadership qualities within their own lives using examples from Scripture and biographies of eminent men and women of God.
Knowing God
This subject equips students with knowledge and understanding of the nature and attributes of God the Father as well as the nature and operation of the trinity. The material explored will enable students to grow in their relationship with God as their creator, heavenly Father and Lord through a greater revelation of Him as revealed in the Word. Topics covered include: ‘The Importance of Knowing God’, ‘The Existence of God’, ‘The Names of God’, ‘The Attributes of God’, ‘Essential Attributes’, ‘Moral Attributes’, ‘Descriptions and Pictures of God’ and ‘The Trinity’.
Understanding Grace
Grace is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the church today, and yet is one of the most important. In a day and age when the message of grace is being twisted and distorted, this course examines the many sides of grace in a systematic manner that traces grace throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the end, grace will be seen not only as the unmerited favour of God but also the empowerment to live the Christian life.
Christ in the Tabernacle
This course will explain the person and work of Jesus Christ, as represented in the Old Testament tabernacle. By the end of the course the student should be able to demonstrate a Biblical knowledge of the representation of Christ in the tabernacle of Moses, with an understanding of Types and Shadows.
Heroes of Faith
This course is designed to help the student to understand what living a life of Faith looks like, and to be able to begin to live the life of Faith demonstrated to us by the men and women testified of in Hebrews 11. The goal is to empower the student to live day by day, a life without fear of death, or the loss of material things, a life with a focus on God alone.
Introduction to World Missions
This course is designed to provide students with an awareness of and introduction to missions. Teaching content will be delivered by live lectures and live video seminars and interviews with missionaries based around the world.
Kingdom Years
This course is a study of the birth and emergence of the people of God as a theocratic nation through to their decline by looking at the following sections of the biblical narrative: Birth of a Kingdom, Judges, Kings, A Kingdom divided, Death of a Kingdom, Major prophets Minor prophets. By the completion of the course the student will have become acquainted with God’s revealed nature, through the personalities, events, success and failures of God’s Chosen People.
This course will help the student gain a deep understanding of God's love for humanity as a whole and to each person individually and, how we are to love God and walk in love towards others
Ministerial Ethics & Excellence
The Christian ministry is one ordained by God for a special purpose in His Kingdom. This course provides an intensive look at ministerial ethics, both biblical and practical. Special emphasis is given to financial, moral and professional ethics.
Parables of Jesus
Jesus told parables to challenge the people of his day, and they were recorded in the Gospels so that with the illumination of the Holy Spirit we might be transformed by their spiritual truth today. This course will provide an in-depth study of Jesus’ parables, their characteristics and the principles of interpreting them.