Next Term Begins:

Certificate in Biblical Studies
Authority of the Bible
This course will establish in the hearts of students a firm conviction of the reliability and uniqueness of the Bible as the only sure foundation for a life lived for Christ. Students will gain the knowledge and understanding of why the Bible is unique, inspired, reliable and ultimately authoritative in the life of the believer. This course will equip students to engage with and answer common objections they or others may have in relation to the origin and validity of the biblical text.
Believer's Authority
Many believers are not living victorious lives; this course aims to redress this by showing from scripture that the believer has been given authority on this earth. The course content will equip students to understand the authority of every believer as well as its origin and realm of operation by virtue of their identity and position in Christ. Students will be empowered to walk in their God-given authority on a daily basis in order to live in freedom and to bring freedom to those around them.
Biblical Chronology
Time is the backbone of history. Biblical Chronology is the study of time throughout the Bible – from eternity past to eternity future. Taking the work (over the past 200 years) of Sir Edward Denny, Grattan Guinness, Arthur Ware, Frank Paine and Roger Price, this course is a simple journey through the principles of biblical chronology. The climax of this introductory course is the establishment of the exact date of Jesus' birth, using just the information contained in the Word of God, and from there, it is possible to establish the dates of all the main events of the Bible.
Divine Healing
This course is designed to establish from Scripture that healing is included in the atoning work of Christ at Calvary and that it is beyond doubt the will and nature of a loving God to heal all today. Special attention will be given to the believer’s role in receiving divine healing and to walk in divine health while also empowering students to minister healing to others.
Eschatology 1 & 2
These courses give an understanding - from a literal viewpoint - of the end-time prophecies in the Bible. Explaining initially the various views of prophetic interpretation and also discovering exactly what a 'dispensation' is, the student is guided to understand what Jesus told us about the future and how this is backed up by prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments. The result for the believer is real hope for the future.
Discovering the expected timetable of future world events also helps to bring urgency to our requirement to preach the good news of salvation. The significance of world events is also brought into focus along with an understanding of what will happen to believers and unbelievers in the days and years ahead.
Bible Doctrines
To acquaint the student with the essential and foundational doctrinal truths of the Christian faith that are set out clearly in the Word of God and how these impact upon our relationship and walk with God. The course will look at the definition, development, purpose, necessity and nature of biblical doctrines with particular focus on those mentioned in Hebrews 6: ‘Repentance from Dead Works’, ‘Faith towards God’, ‘Baptisms, Laying on of Hands’, ‘Resurrection of the Dead’ and ‘Eternal Judgements’.
Fruit of the Spirit
This biblical study and teaching will develop the student's understanding of the nine different characteristics or attributes of a Christian - as laid out in Galatians 5 and which should be evidence of the indwelling presence of God in the Christian life. A contrast will be drawn between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit with the aim of demonstrating how the individual’s development and progression as a believer in Christ is directly related to his/her willingness to cultivate these fruits and, subsequently, demonstrate Christ-like qualities in their relationships and in their service.
Living the Christian life as if God can be satisfied by a combination of faith in Jesus plus good works signals an ignorance or rejection of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through an in-depth exegesis of the book of Galatians, students are taught to define legalism and examine its effects upon Christians, how to avoid the trap of falling into legalism and to understand and practice a salvation and spirituality that is available only through grace by faith.
Life of Faith (video)
Hebrews 11:6 says: Without faith it is impossible to please God. In this course, students are taught what the nature of biblical faith is and what it is not, how faith is obtained, the basic elements of faith and how to use their faith in everyday life to accomplish the purposes of God. Study sections include: ‘The Nature of Biblical Faith’, ‘The Relationship Between Law and Faith’, ‘The Importance of the Word to Faith’, ‘How Faith Works’ and ‘Hindrances to Faith’.
Submission & Obedience
God has established all that He does within His divine order. He expects believers to live and conduct their lives in obedience and submission based upon His divine arrangements as set out in the Word of God. In this course, the students will gain a biblical foundation and understanding of the importance of obedience and submission in the believer’s life and how to develop a heart attitude of obedience and submission to God as their Heavenly Father in every situation and season of life. Students will be encouraged through practical examples (including the home, the church and the marketplace) on how to recognize the fruit of obedience or rebellion in their relationships
New Testament Survey
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the New Testament from Matthew through to Revelation and includes a brief background study of the inter-testament period between Malachi of the Old Testament and Matthew of the New Testament. The overview includes authorship, historical setting, purposes and themes, and other pertinent information, all working together to place each book in its own setting and clarifying its thought and message.
Biblical Finance
The Bible has over 2,000 references to money and possessions. The purpose of this course is to establish from God's Word, God's will as it concerns the believer's finances and to demonstrate the believer's responsibility towards God in relation to finances. The material covered will equip students with a biblical understanding of prosperity, including God’s view of money, stewardship, giving, debt, work and man’s responsibility in these areas. It will help students to develop a heart that treasures God’s kingdom and, as a result, see their relationship with, and use of money, in the light of God’s values, rather than their own.
Redemptive Realities
This course is designed to help students gain knowledge and belief in their hearts regarding the reality, extent and impact of their salvation through Christ’s redeeming work. It will also equip each student with a biblical perspective of his/her redemption and position in Christ as a result of Christ’s redemptive work at the cross. Special attention will be given to the nature, application and benefits of salvation, which include the identification that believers have in Christ and the spiritual truths made available to the believer through this work of redemption.
Renewing the Mind
Romans 12:2 - And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. This course will help the student to better understand themselves, including the dimensions of man and the working of the mind. It will equip students with the tools they need to transform their lives by recognising the sources of input into the mind and how to retrain and renew their mind. It will also empower students to navigate life successfully by applying the work of the cross to their mind and overcoming strongholds.
This course is designed to give a proper understanding of the believer’s role in the ministry of reconciliation and the end-time harvest of souls through personal evangelism. At the completion of the course, the student will be able to evaluate the need for evangelism in today’s world, explain a variety of methods of evangelism and understand that there are only certain biblical principles that will empower believers to evangelise effectively. Before the end of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate how to effectively share the gospel in personal evangelism and will have presented the plan of salvation to a minimum of one person. The last three lectures will involve an outreach into the local community.
Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual disciplines are a critical area in which every believer wanting to apply the Word of God to their lives needs to engage and develop mastery. This course looks at the subject with a view to understanding their value and practical application to the life of the believer. The following areas will be considered: ‘Where Devotion meets Discipline’, ‘Old and New Testament Examples’, ‘The Quiet Time’, ‘Bible Study’ and ‘Prayer and Fasting’.
Spiritual Growth and Maturity
At the new birth, we all begin as spiritual babies, but God does not intend for us to stay that way. This course equips students the scriptural basis for spiritual growth, and they will discover exactly what spiritual growth is and is not. It helps students to identify their own level of spiritual maturity and know what practical steps to take in order to grow in Christ. The hindrances to spiritual growth will also be examined to allow students to remove any barriers that may be present in their lives.
Life of Christ
This course studies the person and ministry of Jesus Christ - His birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension and the relevance that bears on the believer’s life of faith. Throughout their studies, students will acquire an appreciation of God’s gift of love in the person of Jesus Christ and grow in gratitude towards Jesus for all that He has done. Furthermore, this course will challenge the student to follow the example of Jesus by emulating His character in everyday life, including their relationships and ministry and to give their all for His glory.
Person & Work of The Holy Spirit
Taking John 14:26 as the key scripture, the aim of this course is to impart knowledge of the person, nature and present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. The lecture content will help students to understand the necessity of the Holy Spirit’s work in their personal lives, to value and to cultivate their personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, and to encourage students to be led in their daily walk by the Holy Spirit.
Understanding Covenant
This course introduces the student to the scriptural importance of covenant and builds an awareness of its origins, principles, application and influence on the partakers. Students will understand how God’s relationship with humanity is based on covenant and how vital it is for us to understand our place in covenant relationship with God through the finished and complete work of Jesus. From the examples given in Scripture, the student will understand the significance, benefits and terms of the covenants of which we are beneficiaries. Ultimately, this course will empower the student to live their life in the knowledge of the new covenant and its promises and to identify the difference between contract and covenant living in their own life.
Worship Lifestyle
This course will help students understand and appreciate that they have been uniquely created for intimacy with God, which is expressed through a lifestyle of worship. Students will study the principles of thanksgiving and praise, and they will also discover the different expressions and lifestyle applications of praise as found in the seven Hebrew words for ‘praise’. Ultimately, the aim is for students to encounter God and to be empowered to live out a lifestyle of worship in their everyday circumstances and environments.
Knowing God
As believers we are to grow in our relationship with God as our Creator, Heavenly Father and Lord through a greater revelation of Him as revealed in the Word. This course will equip students with knowledge and understanding of the nature and attributes of God the Father as well as the nature and operation of the Trinity.
It will empower students to live out their Christian walk in the light of the knowledge of God, reflecting His nature to those around them and making Him known in their world.